unit sand

英 [ˈjuːnɪt sænd] 美 [ˈjuːnɪt sænd]

网络  单一砂



  1. Our company produces the mountains brand sea sand by magnetic separators is unit, the iron ore into unit is passive mobile ground magnetic separation sand iron ore special-purpose machinery.
  2. Softsediment layer of load, ballandpillow involves the fine sand unit and the overlying coarse sand unit.
  3. A unit of volume ( as for sand or gravel).
  4. The effective coal dust content of molding sand should be determined according to the factors such as the quality of the coal dust, casting size and thickness, pouring temperature, facing sand or unit sand, and so on.
  5. Water jet is a very thin spray, but the processing energy on the unit area is very great. If corresponding abrasive is put in water jet to spray sand, the effect of cut removing rock will be made more practical.
  6. Using three levels hierarchy of flow unit and properties of single sand layer, we have studied the vertical and planar distribution of flow unit and forecasted the distribution of residual oil.
  7. This project aims to develop an auto-control unit of a direct-control optimizing system of green sand quality for a sand mixer.
  8. Followed the instructions from the master, the auto-control unit, as an essential part for the system, controls the feeding of the returned sand, new sand, clay, water and coal powder precisely.
  9. The concept and calculation formula of irrigation unit for plant sand fixation on sand dune have been put forward in this paper by calculating intake rate, measuring intake process and deep loss rate as well as making repeated experiment with different discharge and different irrigation area.
  10. The result indicates that the discharge per unit width, the sediment concentration, the grain size of sand influences the depth of scour hole.
  11. The service life of the subsurface pumping unit will be lowered when operating in the medium of high water-cut and sand content and high degree of mineralization.
  12. Not only the structure of the robot 、 the design of magnetic unit and the control system are discussed, but some applications of the robot are presented, including sand blasting, spray painting operation and lacquer coat thickness measurement of tanks.
  13. Since workspace is short of VSP material, the stratum unit demarcation with synthetic seismic record is the presupposition of structure interpretation and sand body trace and reservior prediction and so on.
  14. Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy in division and correlation of flow unit of thick sand reservoir
  15. Using the sand-suites as the unit for mapping, it shows areal distribution of the stratum thickness, sandstone thickness and sedimentary facies of the three sand suites.
  16. The green sand ingredient and compactability fast testing unit, made up of an automatic sampling machine and a testing slave, is developed to prepare a standard sand specimen and test conductive parameters automatically.
  17. Under the condition of controlling liquid production per unit thickness, chemical sand control can satisfy the basic needs of conventional control casing in sand production reservoir of Pan 2 block.
  18. The better of flow unit, the thicker of sand body, the higher of porosity and permeability, the higher of oil saturation.
  19. And predicted its time unit, single sand body, parts, etc.